(((Funny SHiT)))
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Funny SHit
This is the section where you can come and read all of the funny shit that happened in the past week from all of the events that you might have missed or are just trying to remember what was actually funny that while you were there.


June 27 through 29
Friday at campaign
-Greg got hit in the face with a hackey sac
-Rocket eye got sacked by stephan with a hackey sac filled with rocks and then had a doughnut thrown at him while he was clutching his nads on the ground
-we then stole his doughnuts
-Devin was hacking with his bare feet
-T-bone screamed out YOU'RE HOT, to an anonymous woman walking by
-I paid a total of 89cents for two bus trips, hehe
Sunday june 29
-Ian got somewhere around 231 at the big juniors

May 30 to June 1
Friday at campaign
-Twitchy was wearing this stupid,gay,vagina ass hat with these bells on it
-I beat him first turn with the 8 card dan deck
-ian showed up and grabbed himself, i then called him gay
-Stephan argued with allen and threatened him
-Stephan made a 4 round swiss ad 3 round with my permission
-twitchy thought he was an amazing player cause the only way he wins is by playing with power 9
-twitchy asked more kids if they had power 9
-twitchy is the biggest tard alive

May 9 to May 11
Friday at campaign
-twitchy asked me four times to play against him
-i always said no
-two drunk farmers came in and asked us what we were doing, then howden asked them what they were doing. Then they were confused
-howden pointed out to twitchy that he had some pretty grubby clothes. Then twitchy said he was going to wear a jock-strap next week. When Howden said what, he started giggling.
-Twitchy said he'd kill me if i ripped up a blue hurricane and then i asked him how he would do it, then he trailed off twitching

May 2 to May 4
Friday night at campaign
-Kowalski beat howden (poor poor howden)
-Ricard was dubbed Malloy
-Stephan showed up and had no money for regionals
-Some other guy from out of town thought he was pro and tried convincing people not to use a sideboard because he does which we now know is the guy from the pas

Manitoba Regionals
-Ray screwed Ian out of the top 8 by calling a compulsion mistake! ahahaha
-That guy from the pas went 3-3-0 and thought he was pro the day before, yet he played trevor for worst player at campaign outfitters the same night.
-That guy from the pas was given a game loss because he had 14 cards on his board. After he argued with the judge that he didn't have enough time togive him the deck even though he took at least a few minutes to do it.
-Simard is in drivers ed
-Thomas and I said that we'd bike to regina
-I went 0-3-1 drop boourns!

Sunday at Argy's
-Ray was tellin shitloads of funny shit
-Howden got 3 insane bombs
-Hardcores didn't go to regina
-sunday wasn't that funny
